My appearance before the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, Wednesday 29 June
At 10:10:42am, you can hear Aaron Bell MP entering “… forgive me, but so-called shitcoins …” into the record.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
At 10:10:42am, you can hear Aaron Bell MP entering “… forgive me, but so-called shitcoins …” into the record.
I’m Roger Ver, long-time bitcoin cash advocate and investor. Today I’m at the CoinFLEX world headquarters in an undisclosed location …
Act I, Scene I: Pandemic Panic.
The UK Government has declared that cryptocurrency and blockchains are the way of the future! So they’re asking people like me about it.
Weekend at Bernie Madoff’s.
We considered both-sidesing the headline to “rein in,” but we decided you miss all the shots you don’t take.
An Italian translation of our Latecomer’s Guide to Crypto Crashing.
My media policy is generally “yes.”
A Spanish translation of our Latecomer’s Guide to Crypto Crashing.
A huge Rube Goldberg machine slapstick custard pie clown car, where each custard pie triggers three more custard pies.