News: Australia “nah mate” to blockchains, Bitfinex/Tether push Rothschild conspiracy theories, JPEG blockchain DRM, miners as locusts, Initiative Q
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
If a dollar costs 85 cents … you have to wonder what’s up with that dollar.
“Cryptos Drop Day After Summer Solstice = Occult Manipulation?” um, ok
The possibility of it being worth someone’s while to just DDOS you is almost never mentioned as a problem with smart contracts.
The FOIA request denial from the CFTC over Bitfinex and Tether is particularly interesting.
Bitcoin explained: “imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved Sudokus you could trade for heroin.”
You can definitely trust John McAfee on all crypto-related matters. Maybe.
Brock Pierce getting yelled at is quality television.
And there’s a Wikipedia article on the Kodak KashMiner.