The Central African Republic adopted Bitcoin last week — full text of the law
The one question is: why?
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
The one question is: why?
You wouldn’t funge a car.
All my apes, influenced.
Bitcoin is not the biggest problem in El Salvador right now — it’s Bukele using the gangs to go as full dictator as he thinks he can get away with.
The end of a long chain of slapdash and incompetent financial engineering, by people who just found out why regulations evolved. Also, LOL.
Top Shot claimed to be about the cards — but it was all about the trading market. And it wasn’t so great at letting traders take out their money.
“please note how they’ve taken the actual melbourne course design and just … pasted it onto the sydney image. so half the track is underwater.”
If you look at a “Web3” offering and just think of it as a pump-and-dump onto retail investors, everything will make much more sense.
Making money’s one thing — but some people get a bit weird about it.
Original art, do not steal.