News: Québec pension fund invested in Celsius, Terra’s tax troubles, Anchor pass-through Ponzis, Wright v. McCormack trial
And the central bank that sent its hacker dick pics.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
And the central bank that sent its hacker dick pics.
Part two of the early history of NFTs, from the book I’m writing with Amy Castor, is up now, over on Amy’s blog.
Tell everyone you know in Australia to be watching Nine at 8:30pm on Sunday!
The levels are all over the place, so get ready to adjust the volume on the fly. But our content was excellent, and it’s worth the effort. It runs a bit over an hour.
This is a draft of part one of the history chapter for our planned NFT book. Corrections and nitpicking are most welcomed!
Is this THE END OF CRYPTO?? We should be so lucky.
History always repeats, but only the dumb stuff.
A version of my UST writeup for an audience that will understand that mentioning “2008” is the air-raid sirens going off.
A store of inflation, a hedge against value.
The review is nine thousand words. But it’s considerably more coherent than the book, because I had an editor.