Tether criminally investigated by Justice Department — When The Music Stops podcast
Number go up! Because there’s trouble at Tether.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Number go up! Because there’s trouble at Tether.
I said I’d do one of these if someone else organised it …
Things happened that aren’t in El Salvador!
“The following episode of The 9pm Edict contains strong language, financial crimes, and some sad truths about humanity.”
This podcast is not about Bitcoin — it’s about Nazis. But neo-Nazis like Bitcoin, ‘cos they keep getting kicked off the actual-money payment processors.
The Blockchain Debate Podcast that I recorded in December is up now!
The price went up in a triangular Fibonacci double-reacharound formation, moderated somewhat by both Makemake and Haumea being in Libra.
I get my crypto market insights by watching the remote-viewing guy draw pictures of his psychic impressions on YouTube.
I’m doing the Blockchain Debate Podcast again on Thursday 17 December! My opponent on this question is Bryce Weiner.