Crypto collapse latest: the DeFi dead and dying list
Were any of these guys not just running a Pirate Pass-Through Ponzi?
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Were any of these guys not just running a Pirate Pass-Through Ponzi?
Weekend at Bernie Madoff’s.
We can confirm that we are in fact having a whale of a time staying poor. Few.
And the central bank that sent its hacker dick pics.
I shall henceforth be calling Bitcoin mining “extreme bingo.”
“Please, God, I don’t ask for much from You. But give me this. A video of a sad cryptobro, trying to get a beat cop to make a police report about his stolen ape jpeg.”
I changed my own Twitter avatar to a pentagon, to show my allegiance to the fiat petrodollar.
Bitfinex Securities will not charge a fee for this. They’re just being nice, see.
“Sound stupid? Great, you’re all caught up.”
“The trick in the game is to make losers feel like they are winners, and one of the means of getting them into the trade is by paying them a yield to take on risks they don’t understand.”