News: Buttcoin 2017, ICOs, Parity bailout, NiceHash post-mortem, cashing in bitcoins, Wikipedia, Lightning Network
The SEC’s action against Munchee is particularly noteworthy for how generic the dodgy ICO in question is.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
The SEC’s action against Munchee is particularly noteworthy for how generic the dodgy ICO in question is.
Plus: the worst bootleg version I’ve ever seen of any book, and it was of mine.
The best bit is where CryoGen recommend the article where I detail why what they’re selling doesn’t work. I suppose I did call them sincere.
Sichuan Electric Power Corporation is shutting down Bitcoin miners, as more hydroelectric plants join the grid. This comes just as Bitcoin Cash has been wielding miner support against Bitcoin. What happens next?
Björkcoin is older than you think.
Expect more Bitcoin price rises soon, because SO MANY Tethers are being pumped into the system.
That face when Tim Draper doesn’t buy the line that he spent $1.5 million on “tote bags.”
And Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain is still $3.20 on Kindle Canada!
Some ICOs are even dodgier than others; Bitcoin’s fork family; regulators sending more warning shots.
Trains as computer science analogy.