Self-published paperbacks: make your line art PNGs non-transparent!
Adventures in self-publishing — the little details that go into a professional-quality final product. Following the rule of “just write,” let’s start deep in the details …
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Adventures in self-publishing — the little details that go into a professional-quality final product. Following the rule of “just write,” let’s start deep in the details …
A bunch of anarchocapitalists walk into a venture capitalist’s office wanting to perform their act. The venture capitalist asks what the act is and they reply …
A bit of news, a few good opinion pieces, some nice book photos and the Christmas tweet selection. Also, you should sign up for the Patreon.
NiceHash say they’ll pay back hacked users some time or another, and will announce just when by 31 January 2018 — note that this is the announcement date, not the reimbursement date.
What a fun week it’s been in the land of Bitcoin!
KYC/AML regulations are an endless source of woe for the Bitcoin trader. Why don’t banks want to go near Bitcoin? It’s not fear of competition.
A slightly longer version of me being interviewed by the BBC for Wednesday’s News at Ten. This time the book title’s on the screen!
Filmed yesterday, should be live tonight, cross fingers.
The most important news, of course, is that you still have time to get that relative who’s telling you about Bitcoin that paperback of Attack Of The 50 Foot Blockchain for Christmas!
Public discussion and media coverage of Bitcoin assumes certain things about Bitcoin:
• Bitcoin has a price, that you could expect to buy or sell it around.
• Bitcoin is like buying a share in a company, or a commodity like gold — the market works the same way.
• Bitcoin is liquid — you can easily convert your money to Bitcoin, and your Bitcoin to money.
None of these are true.