Australian coal-fired power plant to mine Bitcoin: just a penny stock pump — with “corrupt” backers
Like adding “Blockchain” to your name to pump your stock price. Everyone and everything linked to it is inept, crooked or both.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Like adding “Blockchain” to your name to pump your stock price. Everyone and everything linked to it is inept, crooked or both.
Get your UK Parliamentary submission in without delay!
If you used a web wallet to generate your keys, check with your author or vendor.
How Bitcoin fits the theology and virtues of Austrian economics — a plea to Austrian School nocoiners to take Bitcoin seriously.
Today’s blockchain post is over on Rocknerd — it’s early dot-com era downloaded music company eMusic taking the final resort of an utterly buggered company.
Of course it isn’t like the Internet. But this claim keeps coming up. Includes technologies Bitcoin and blockchains are actually comparable to.
Crypto Fools’ Day is, of course, January 9. In cryptocurrency, every day is January 9.
Did you know that bacteria can transmute copper, iron and tungsten into platinum and iridium? I certainly didn’t. In fact, I still don’t.
And nothing about Twitter blocking crypto ads, because I posted about that last week.
Courses will be purchased, and staff paid, in WOOLF tokens. And rather than a costly university administration — boo! hiss! — they’ll have … smart contracts!