eBTC: not “Bitcoin on Ethereum,” just an ERC-20 token with a related name
But there’s 21 million of them, and the creator uses the name “Satoshi21”!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
But there’s 21 million of them, and the creator uses the name “Satoshi21”!
And blockchain use in the Catalan independence referendum.
Yet another Bitcoin fork. And Bitcoin core considers striking back, particularly against SegWit2x.
“By 2050, bitcoin users will undiscover fire.”
A nice video piece, and a cheap ebook in Canada.
1634 copies sold. I got paid!
And some bloke with a megaphone standing across the street from the Bloomberg office in London, ranting about Bitcoin.
Plus a review of the EtherDelta smart contract’s coding and security. Summary: it’s pretty bad.
Kyle Torpey notes the obvious hazard of giving your postal address to criminals so they can sell you drugs.
This is actually good news for Bitcoin, because,