The CFTC settlement with Tether and Bitfinex: $42.5 million in fines
Clearing down the backlog. There’s plenty more Tether here to come …
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Clearing down the backlog. There’s plenty more Tether here to come …
“One of the downsides of being both incompetent, unscrupulous and greedy is that you become very predictable.”
Tether appears to be trying to get satirical posts about them taken down. So I put up a copy here. You should feel free to put one up as well.
If anyone tells you Tether was “exonerated,” they don’t know what words mean. Read the settlement.
I don’t know precisely what tiger iFinex and Tether are riding, but it clearly has teeth.
The price went up in a triangular Fibonacci double-reacharound formation, moderated somewhat by both Makemake and Haumea being in Libra.
And Investopedia are spammers, and you should remove any links to their site.
If you were having problems getting your head around this case, this is a good and useful summary. Plus — iFinex’s response!
Perhaps iFinex can argue that two plus two only appears to make four, when actually it makes three, or five, or six hundred and sixty-six.