Crypto update: LOL who cares, crime is legal
Fifty more Silvergates!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Fifty more Silvergates!
2023 was the year of Sam Bankman-Fried! Just not in the way he was hoping.
Unbanking the unbankable.
“I couldn’t stand to market to such a deranged group of individuals and the toxic web3 workplace.”
We can confirm that we are in fact having a whale of a time staying poor. Few.
NFT promoters need to be forced to walk the streets ringing a bell, yelling “UNCLEAN,” and wearing a scarlet ฿.
Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to unscheduled scheduled maintenance. Funds are absolutely safe.
Things happened that aren’t in El Salvador!
“If the business channel you watch leads its forex ticker with buttcoin price, you should switch the channel.”