News: A fool and his money are soon decentralised, Kodak rides again, Ledger data breach, $100k Bitcoin
And Bitcoin nearly hits $100,000! … for a very brief time.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
And Bitcoin nearly hits $100,000! … for a very brief time.
“Is that thing still going?” — my wife on KodakOne.
The ICO failed, and nobody’s getting paid. Except ICOx Innovations. Also, one of the developers they stiffed is holding their Post-Licensing Portal software hostage.
It wasn’t widely circulated — but I have a copy of the KodakOne Confidential Offering Memorandum. The official, authoritative statement of what WENN Digital are trying to sell you.
And there’s a Wikipedia article on the Kodak KashMiner.
I posted about the KashMiner that never was, five days before the BBC.
“Thank you for your inquiry. We did not make an announcement, the KashMiner is not a Kodak licensed product.”
Handelsblatt in Germany describes KodakCoin as “highly dubious”, “a half-baked marketing gag” and “a stumbling company with a fading name looking for a capital strike.”
Is it illegal to download a copy of the Bitcoin blockchain? Possibly.
WENN Digital have finally released their long-awaited KodakCoin ICO Light Paper! I go through this SAFT in detail. Summary: lol.