News: Filecoin, CoinDesk, money-laundering busts, Libra barred until 2023, BitMEX and Roko’s Basilisk
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
My back-to-basics “what actually is a blockchain?” talk, tuned to market researchers. The Q&A at the end was good too.
You can definitely trust John McAfee on all crypto-related matters. Maybe.
Brock Pierce getting yelled at is quality television.
The problem with special rules for “blockchains” is that there’s no definition of “blockchain” other than “whatever I’m trying to sell you right now.”
Trust the nice BBC ladies — don’t buy Bitcoin. My goodness, the news in the last couple of days. With lengthy writeups of the details.
Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain!
Plus my speaking dates in June and July.
We’ve been reminded in the past week just how dangerous vast collections of personal data can be. They won’t be less dangerous on a blockchain.
The big news: the SEC finally gets into asking ICO promoters what the hell they were thinking.