News: World Wildlife NFT, Diem sale details, ECCB DCash offline
Admittedly, NFTs are not as bad as that time the WWF ended up funding mercenaries to rape, torture and kill suspected poachers. Whoops!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Admittedly, NFTs are not as bad as that time the WWF ended up funding mercenaries to rape, torture and kill suspected poachers. Whoops!
I changed my own Twitter avatar to a pentagon, to show my allegiance to the fiat petrodollar.
The Diem Association is “effectively a zombie organization.” Ya think?
Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to unscheduled scheduled maintenance. Funds are absolutely safe.
I am Elmer J. FUD, nocoiner. I own a mansion and a yacht.
“I think sophisticated market investors can judge for themselves if 2+2 makes 5, or even 6. As Bruce Springsteen sang, ‘it’s just like Sister Ray said.’”
If you’re going to do crimes, don’t do them on a permanent immutable public ledger of all transactions.
How much do you need to annoy a government agency that it starts a whole new press page just to refute your claims?
The important thing about the Bitcoin price is that both Makemake and Haumea are in Libra right now. Obviously.