Wikipedia is closed to edits now | Encyclopedia Britannica is far superior to Wikipedia | Knol will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia is public domain | Google owns Wikipedia now |
Administrators control all articles personally | Wikipedia thinks Article X should be deleted | Wikipedia is in cahoots with Google for page rank | Wikipedia is a socialist conspiracy | Yahoo owns Wikipedia now |
All schools everywhere forbid Wikipedia | Wikia is Wikipedia | FREE SPEECH | Jimmy Wales approves all Wikipedia articles personally | Wikipedia Foundation UK |
Wikipedia is a capitalist conspiracy | Wikipedia runs Wikileaks | Wikipedia is dying | Andrew Orlowski will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia must run advertising or it will die |
Wikipedia will destroy civilised writing | Citizendium will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia contains errors! No-one should use it | Microsoft Bing owns Wikipedia now | Wikipedia is hiring editors |
With the invaluable assistance of unnameable contributors from the communications committee. Wait until a media frenzy, take one shot per square. Fill the card and drain the bottle. Post further suggestions below.