Crypto collapse: FTX first-day hearing, Genesis screws DCG, Silvergate Bank
“I think we’re shortly to find that embedded leverage in the sector was far, far higher than anyone, even its most ardent critics, expected.”
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“I think we’re shortly to find that embedded leverage in the sector was far, far higher than anyone, even its most ardent critics, expected.”
“Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls.”
They all want to be Steve Jobs — and keep turning out to be Elizabeth Holmes.
“All crypto exchanges can be considered as being in a quantum state of Quadriga: until you open the box it is impossible to know if the money is inside or not, but it definitely won’t be by the time anyone decides to look.”
All crypto companies are as Quadriga as they can get away with. All of them.
Crypto had its Bear Stearns. Are we up to Lehman Brothers yet?
Multiple state regulators at the NASAA Nashville conference were quite interested in putting Alex Mashinsky’s backside in jail.
Pension plans and funds are supposed to put the money that will take you through retirement into capable and diligent hands.
Weekend at Bernie Madoff’s.
History always repeats, but only the dumb stuff.