Crypto is going back: Ethereum front-runner charged, Coinbase looking to re-enact 2022 crash, Uniswap responds to SEC, the not-Telegram Open Network, Wyoming
Maybe Coinbase can be the next stupid CeFi firm.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Maybe Coinbase can be the next stupid CeFi firm.
We are all Satoshi. Not you, Craig.
2023 was the year of Sam Bankman-Fried! Just not in the way he was hoping.
The visible thumb on the scale of the market.
“I looked at his picture and thought, There’s something wrong going on with him.”
They want you to think they’re the next Steve Jobs. Somehow, they keep turning out to be Elizabeth Holmes.
The hardest part of crypto custody is that every crypto company appears to be run by Bozo the Clown.
Bitcoin can become a tire fire for real.
It woz my lawyers wot done it.
“Where people without jobs ask people without companies for jobs.”