The prehistory of NFTs
This is a draft of part one of the history chapter for our planned NFT book. Corrections and nitpicking are most welcomed!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
This is a draft of part one of the history chapter for our planned NFT book. Corrections and nitpicking are most welcomed!
And some light summer reading.
Canada has a sudden interest in regulating cryptocurrency.
If you made up the Quadriga saga as a story about lost pirate treasure, the target audience would have to be about four, because eight year olds wouldn’t buy it.
IOTA’s fan base are remarkable. Also: crypto market manipulation, and good pieces on Mt. Gox and Sergei Mavrodi.
Featuring the trailer from Effortless French, a.k.a. Mt. Gox the Movie.
What crashed the price of Bitcoin in December, January and February? The Mt. Gox exchange’s bankruptcy trustee selling off the remaining coins to reimburse creditors, looks like.
A short book on the collapse of Mt. Gox, based on the authors’ work over the past few years for the Daily Beast. The book badly needs an editor, but does have bits worth the read. Also, it’s cheap.
The thought “I know PHP! How hard could running an exchange be?” never goes anywhere good.