News: Coronavirus kills conferences, India un-bans crypto, Bitcoin catches a cold
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
Revamps are in the air, because Libra still can’t get its bad idea past the regulators — the same ones who said “LOL, what on earth, absolutely not” within hours of Libra’s initial announcement last June.
“I think sophisticated market investors can judge for themselves if 2+2 makes 5, or even 6. As Bruce Springsteen sang, ‘it’s just like Sister Ray said.’”
Mastercard throws Libra under the bus so hard, it bounces twice.
When you’re a serial foulup — with other people’s money, not just your own — running a conference is ill-advised.
The Bitcoin white paper’s elegant simplicity only exists in a perfectly spherical monetary system in a vacuum at absolute zero.
And so this is Christmas — and it turns out that banking commissioners take allegations of sanctions violations seriously.
I must say, I was sorely disappointed to hear such disconcerting news about esteemed senior financial adviser … (checks notes) … ah, “Moo Cow Moo.”
Come see me on the Intelligence Squared panel in London on Thursday afternoon — free!