Tag: eos

News: Bitcoin mining leaves China, Chia threatens blog about Chia, Warhol NFT, BitConnect charges, ban crypto to stop ransomware, FCA and crypto firms
“If you’re seeing bitcoin on the Underground, it’s time to buy.” So with this ad banned, it must be time to sell.

News: Twitter on the blockchain, the US coup on the blockchain, Gensler in at the SEC, Ripple ex-CTO loses Bitcoin keys
The price went up in a triangular Fibonacci double-reacharound formation, moderated somewhat by both Makemake and Haumea being in Libra.

News: DeFi in full mania, Australian Senate fintech report, Bank of England on Libra, Care Bears on the blockchain
HOW TO DESTROY ETHEREUM: use it for something. This cripples it every time.

Voice: $300m to build Twitter for EOS, with a Real Names policy and KYC to get an account
With the real names policy, Voice might repeat the stratospheric success of Google Plus!

News: DRM on JPEG images on the blockchain, BlockFi user data breached, TornadoCash mixer goes full DAO, the plant cuttings asset bubble
If you could put two flies crawling up a wall on the blockchain, I’m pretty sure crypto day traders would bet on fly futures.

News: 9 billion tethers, Reddit tokens, Kik is doomed, Singapore joins Libra, China’s CBDC — and J. K. Rowling asks about Bitcoin
And Investopedia are spammers, and you should remove any links to their site.
News: IDAX and Upbit hacks, Binance threatens The Block, Tether sued again, Libra Association, Craig Wright attorney fees, EOS centralises
Come see me on the Intelligence Squared panel in London on Thursday afternoon — free!
News: EOS settles with SEC, PayPal dumps Libra, digitised gold, Coinbase triples fees, Bitcoin Foundation is dead
PayPal “remains supportive of Libra’s mission” — so that’s nice.
News: Kleiman and Wright settling, Libra, Tether, Initial Sucker Offerings, enterprise “blockchains” as back-end datastores, Marshall Islands, Telegram TON software
Crypto in general is a complicated machine to funnel decreasing supplies of actual-money from retail suckers to about twenty guys.