Tag: diem

News: Facebook abandoning Libra/Diem, Soulja Boy vs. Atari, Kurson arrested again, El Salvador
The Diem Association is “effectively a zombie organization.” Ya think?

News: the Senate has mild contempt for Bitcoin, Tether and USDC attestations, DeFi Money Market and Poloniex settle with SEC, Poly Network hack
Bitcoin is anti-fragile! Except against governments.

News: Bitcoin mining leaves China, Chia threatens blog about Chia, Warhol NFT, BitConnect charges, ban crypto to stop ransomware, FCA and crypto firms
“If you’re seeing bitcoin on the Underground, it’s time to buy.” So with this ad banned, it must be time to sell.

Facebook’s Diem stablecoin moves to the US, and hooks up with Silvergate Bank
The Diem USD stablecoin will be issued by Silvergate Bank — the national bank of crypto.

News: Bitcoin mining is not green, miners versus programmers, gold is cleaner than bitcoin, exchanges collapse, how to forge an NFT
“Maybe your cryptocurrency is different. But look: you’re in really poor company. When you’re the only honest person in the room, maybe you should be in a different room.”

News: vanishing NFTs, Free Keene not so free, Coinbase wash-trading Litecoin
Pavel Durov is delighted to share that he can finally pay back the guys who put money into the Telegram ICO, and that he will continue to enjoy the use of his limbs.

News: India crypto ban, North Korea, BitMEX execs to appear, IBM Blockchain dead, more McAfee charges
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”

Facebook, WhatsApp Pay, Libra/Diem, CBDC news — Diem live in March?
There’s no evidence that Facebook’s cleared Diem with regulators in the US, the EU and Switzerland — as they pinky-swore they would absolutely do before launch. But I’m sure they wouldn’t go back on their word.

Blockchain Debate Podcast: Diem is a glorified Paypal (David Gerard vs. Bryce Weiner)
The Blockchain Debate Podcast that I recorded in December is up now!