News: blockchain MEP Eva Kaili corruption arrest, Nigerian CBDC rewrite, BBC blockchain misadventures
RMS Titanic NFTs: You wouldn’t download a corpse.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
RMS Titanic NFTs: You wouldn’t download a corpse.
We’re all trying to find the guy who did this, but in stereo.
You can’t cash in billions of dollars of bitcoins instantly — but sanctioned Russians are trying.
Admittedly, NFTs are not as bad as that time the WWF ended up funding mercenaries to rape, torture and kill suspected poachers. Whoops!
I changed my own Twitter avatar to a pentagon, to show my allegiance to the fiat petrodollar.
Maybe Libra was just very stupid. Because it was a blockchain project started by bitcoiners. Maybe it was always just dumb as hell.
NFT promoters need to be forced to walk the streets ringing a bell, yelling “UNCLEAN,” and wearing a scarlet ฿.
Phrases like “macro critical levels” are what central bankers say when they’re sounding the air-raid sirens.
David Marcus said in September that Novi would only abandon Diem as a “last resort.” Well, that didn’t take long.