The Decrypt Daily podcast — David Gerard Talks New Book on Facebook’s Libra
A podcast on “Libra Shrugged” with Matthew Aaron, who is now doing Decrypt’s official Decrypt Daily podcast.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
A podcast on “Libra Shrugged” with Matthew Aaron, who is now doing Decrypt’s official Decrypt Daily podcast.
And Decrypt is running an excerpt from Libra Shrugged.
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
The crypto media frantically circles a dwindling pool of promotional cash.
My review of Crypto (2019) is not only the first in the crypto press — it’ll save you watching the film, and entertain you more.
Ben from Decrypt and I put Consensys’ ICO winnings to good use — i.e., spending them on food and beer down the pub. He picked the worst photo, too. The article’s good, but.
There’s stuff you can’t say in a proper magazine with offices and so on. So here’s a few DVD extras from the Decrypt article on ShapeShift and CipherBlade.
So, it turns out that Bitfinex’ed was right about everything.
If you made up the Quadriga saga as a story about lost pirate treasure, the target audience would have to be about four, because eight year olds wouldn’t buy it.
A short rant about ICOx Innovations, the company behind KodakOne, and their offshoot BitRail’s “cryptocurrency” for guns.