Crypto collapse: Fortress custody hack, Binance stonewalls SEC, FTX to dump its crypto, Genesis sues DCG, New York restricts crypto listings
The hardest part of crypto custody is that every crypto company appears to be run by Bozo the Clown.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
The hardest part of crypto custody is that every crypto company appears to be run by Bozo the Clown.
Bitcoin can become a tire fire for real.
It woz my lawyers wot done it.
The Mashinsky Method: mycrimes.epub
“Submarines are like Bitcoin. The billionaires in them prove that billionaires aren’t very smart.”
The first rule of crypto club is: always take notes on a criminal conspiracy.
It’s always shenanigans.
“The Allegedly Manipulative Trading Identified by the SEC was Entirely Appropriate.”
“the strategy of bnb is to survive for 2 years and f off and in this 2 yrs try ur bestest to not land in jail”