Bail Bloc: The New Inquiry recommends you steal electricity to run Bail Bloc
Really: The New Inquiry is literally recommending you commit electricity theft to fund their wizard wheeze.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Really: The New Inquiry is literally recommending you commit electricity theft to fund their wizard wheeze.
The cause is good. The funding method is … not so good. Do not run Bail Bloc, tell everyone you know who thinks this is a good cause not to run Bail Bloc.
Sichuan Electric Power Corporation is shutting down Bitcoin miners, as more hydroelectric plants join the grid. This comes just as Bitcoin Cash has been wielding miner support against Bitcoin. What happens next?
The long version of the Björk post is up over at Rocknerd.
Now that big blocks are dead, the Lightning Network (postulated) just had another layer added.
Björkcoin is older than you think.
Why cryptocurrency skeptics were overdosing on popcorn yesterday afternoon. “I accidentally the whole ICO.”
Plus Audiocoin and Blockpool. Also, the Björk webshop appears to store your password in plain text.
Expect more Bitcoin price rises soon, because SO MANY Tethers are being pumped into the system.
Lunyr launched in April. Long-time Wikipedia editor Geni looks at how they’re doing in November.