News: Australia “nah mate” to blockchains, Bitfinex/Tether push Rothschild conspiracy theories, JPEG blockchain DRM, miners as locusts, Initiative Q
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
A fully-worked example of Silicon Valley tunnel vision, where bitcoiners’ dreams of the grim meathook post-apocalyptic Mad Max petrolpunk future have come true.
The Bitfinex crypto exchange has discovered a truly remarkable solution to its banking problems — but don’t tell anyone. ‘Cos snitches get stitches.
If a dollar costs 85 cents … you have to wonder what’s up with that dollar.
“Cryptos Drop Day After Summer Solstice = Occult Manipulation?” um, ok
Everipedia is not going to revolutionise the world of knowledge production.
I have Internet at home again! Here’s news from the past few weeks.
A talk for the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway. A basic overview of the engineering and computer science problems of blockchain and smart contract promises. On video!
A video in which I answer student questions for a class that features Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain as a course text.
The Royal Institution is running a blockchain panel, Blockchain: Hope Or Hype? with me as last-second drop-in moderator. Speakers are John Domingue of the Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University, and Sajida Zouarhi from Consensys. Come along and ask pointed questions!