HARKII Of Sound Mind podcast Episode 1: “Why I don’t think blockchain will change the music industry”
In which I go on a podcast and talk about why blockchains are still trash, particularly for music. Don’t fall for resentment-based marketing!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
In which I go on a podcast and talk about why blockchains are still trash, particularly for music. Don’t fall for resentment-based marketing!
This site will be moving servers, some time today or tomorrow. Please excuse glitches in availability!
UPDATE: Moved!
IOTA’s fan base are remarkable. Also: crypto market manipulation, and good pieces on Mt. Gox and Sergei Mavrodi.
The Request Network does not have a deal with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Foundation. They are misrepresenting a deal with Wikimedia France, a local Wikimedia chapter. Also detailed: the Request ICO white paper.
Smart contracts are fundamentally bad software engineering, part 666 in a never-ending series.
Bitcoin maximalists think Bitcoin is the perfect substitute for gold. Not even gold fans listen to them. But what would it take for Bitcoin to achieve this?
Also: I need titles for the sequel to Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain!
I did a talk today — here’s the slides. Explaining blockchains, why Bitcoin fans are like they are, and blockchain use cases in business.
The NY Attorney General has not yet brought the hammer down on the exchanges. So far he’s just holding it in the air suggestively.
So … I’m under a large pile of physical books again.