News: UK Treasury Digital Currencies Inquiry, Ethereum as a security, Bitcoin Cash, mining for charity
The first spoken evidence session from the Treasury’s Digital Currencies Inquiry is a blinder.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
The first spoken evidence session from the Treasury’s Digital Currencies Inquiry is a blinder.
The traditional banking partners that needs to work with are not able to keep up with the demands of the growing Bitcoin economy.
In which I go on a podcast and talk about why blockchains are still trash, particularly for music. Don’t fall for resentment-based marketing!
This site will be moving servers, some time today or tomorrow. Please excuse glitches in availability!
UPDATE: Moved!
IOTA’s fan base are remarkable. Also: crypto market manipulation, and good pieces on Mt. Gox and Sergei Mavrodi.
The Request Network does not have a deal with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Foundation. They are misrepresenting a deal with Wikimedia France, a local Wikimedia chapter. Also detailed: the Request ICO white paper.
Smart contracts are fundamentally bad software engineering, part 666 in a never-ending series.
Bitcoin maximalists think Bitcoin is the perfect substitute for gold. Not even gold fans listen to them. But what would it take for Bitcoin to achieve this?
Also: I need titles for the sequel to Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain!
I did a talk today — here’s the slides. Explaining blockchains, why Bitcoin fans are like they are, and blockchain use cases in business.