Wikipedia is closed to edits now | Encyclopedia Britannica is far superior to Wikipedia | Knol will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia is public domain | Google owns Wikipedia now |
Administrators control all articles personally | Wikipedia thinks Article X should be deleted | Wikipedia is in cahoots with Google for page rank | Wikipedia is a socialist conspiracy | Yahoo owns Wikipedia now |
All schools everywhere forbid Wikipedia | Wikia is Wikipedia | FREE SPEECH | Jimmy Wales approves all Wikipedia articles personally | Wikipedia Foundation UK |
Wikipedia is a capitalist conspiracy | Wikipedia runs Wikileaks | Wikipedia is dying | Andrew Orlowski will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia must run advertising or it will die |
Wikipedia will destroy civilised writing | Citizendium will kill Wikipedia | Wikipedia contains errors! No-one should use it | Microsoft Bing owns Wikipedia now | Wikipedia is hiring editors |
With the invaluable assistance of unnameable contributors from the communications committee. Wait until a media frenzy, take one shot per square. Fill the card and drain the bottle. Post further suggestions below.
Two and a half years, on this satire is still depressingly accurate, although hopefully nobody at all believes the Knol and Citizendium ones. To “Wikipedia Foundation UK” add “Wikipedia UK” or “Wikipedia UK Trustees”.
Andrew Gray points out that “Knol will kill Wikipedia” should be changed to “Quora will kill Wikipedia.”