Cryptocurrency, blockchains and markets — Queen’s University Belfast, Tuesday 22 February 2022
I did a talk for William Quinn’s final year fintech class at Queen’s University Belfast. 1 hour talk, 1 hour questions.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I did a talk for William Quinn’s final year fintech class at Queen’s University Belfast. 1 hour talk, 1 hour questions.
A talk to Sam Bowne’s class CNIT 141: Cryptography for Computer Networks, at City College of San Francisco.
My back-to-basics “what actually is a blockchain?” talk, tuned to market researchers. The Q&A at the end was good too.
A talk for the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway. A basic overview of the engineering and computer science problems of blockchain and smart contract promises. On video!
I did a talk today — here’s the slides. Explaining blockchains, why Bitcoin fans are like they are, and blockchain use cases in business.