News: Coronavirus kills conferences, India un-bans crypto, Bitcoin catches a cold
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
Telegram’s whole scheme was to skin precisely the retail buyers who securities registration is meant to protect from being ripped off.
How much do you need to annoy a government agency that it starts a whole new press page just to refute your claims?
Shocked, shocked to hear of yet more crypto fraud in Canada!
“In reality, ‘blockchain’ has always just been an attempt to ride crypto’s cool factor. So if coins crash, people stop caring about blockchain.”
Featuring the trailer from Effortless French, a.k.a. Mt. Gox the Movie.
Plus some good recent opinion pieces, and book news.
I was reluctant to compare Bitfinex’s public relations moves to Scientology in my Friday post, but today they are threatening to sue critics to shut them up. Rather than release material facts that would assuage concerns. Also, you can’t actually redeem Tethers.
And some bloke with a megaphone standing across the street from the Bloomberg office in London, ranting about Bitcoin.