News: Blockchain handouts, Wirecard UK, WhatsApp Pay Brazil, 10 billion tethers
It’s right there in the white paper — cryptocurrency is about government handouts.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
It’s right there in the white paper — cryptocurrency is about government handouts.
I wrote a short history of stablecoins for the prospective Libra book, but decided it was a bit of a digression. So I’ve posted it to the blog for your amusement instead.
My “not buying cryptos to launder money” shirt is raising a lot of questions answered by the shirt.
And some light summer reading.
“Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn’t have the keys used to sign this message.”
If you could put two flies crawling up a wall on the blockchain, I’m pretty sure crypto day traders would bet on fly futures.
And Investopedia are spammers, and you should remove any links to their site.
Zack Voell from CoinDesk fights the good fight to destroy the crypto markets, and do Buttcoin — and North Korea — proud.
Facebook is slowly being dragged, kicking and screaming, to running Libra like an ordinary, compliant payments processor — PayPal, but it’s Facebook — or Libra won’t be allowed to exist.
Markets are completely screwed, nobody knows what anything is worth, and the hard problem is keeping everyone in basic food and shelter. Nobody cares about your novelty crypto collectibles.