News: Filecoin, CoinDesk, money-laundering busts, Libra barred until 2023, BitMEX and Roko’s Basilisk
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
Crypto asked for regulatory clarity, and they’re getting it! Good and hard.
The preorder price is £4.99 or $6.99. When it goes live, that’ll go up to £5.99 or $7.99. So get in early.
I’ve been working on the blurb for the book. Ideas welcomed. Yes, it’s now called “Libra Shrugged.”
“I’m going to put a lot of money into three card monte. Everyone I watch who plays it wins: it’s a sure bet.”
Already getting great feedback — mostly where I haven’t explained what the heck I’m talking about, or have accidentally traveled in time. These things happen.
HOW TO DESTROY ETHEREUM: use it for something. This cripples it every time.
POLICE TO BLACKMAILER: Let’s meet in person, so we can hand you the untraceable cryptocurrency in full view of a surveillance camera.
The Libra book probably won’t have to include a short history of currency baskets before I can talk about why the original plan for the Libra reserve was ridiculously terrible. So I’ve posted it here.
As soon as a blockchain scheme gets in front of the adults — it’s dead.