NFT news: Salesforce NFTs, Latvian NFT money laundering, gamers still hate NFTs
There can’t ever have been any such thing as Second Life, or all this Metaverse hype would just be stupid.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
There can’t ever have been any such thing as Second Life, or all this Metaverse hype would just be stupid.
I get my crypto market insights by watching the remote-viewing guy draw pictures of his psychic impressions on YouTube.
“Is that thing still going?” — my wife on KodakOne.
“Crypto is a tax on libertarians the same way lottery is a tax on the poor.”
Not answered: just how KodakOne’s “artificial intelligence” is supposed to automatically divine the correct email address to send a notice concerning any random web page.
The ICO failed, and nobody’s getting paid. Except ICOx Innovations. Also, one of the developers they stiffed is holding their Post-Licensing Portal software hostage.
bullish on USD. it is clear that USD is increasingly popular with past hodlers of the deprecated bit-Coin. USD has gone up hugely in just the past day against the b.t.C!! in conclusion you should be getting into currency
I have Internet at home again! Here’s news from the past few weeks.
You know how everyone was wondering when the SEC would do something about the crypto space? Looks like they’re getting into motion.