The Australian Securities Exchange CHESS blockchain: seven years of sunk cost fallacy
Enterprise blockchain never made any sense.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Enterprise blockchain never made any sense.
Binance believes that Nigeria “holds extraordinary potential and we hope to continue to invest there.”
You can’t cash in billions of dollars of bitcoins instantly — but sanctioned Russians are trying.
“Please, God, I don’t ask for much from You. But give me this. A video of a sad cryptobro, trying to get a beat cop to make a police report about his stolen ape jpeg.”
Admittedly, NFTs are not as bad as that time the WWF ended up funding mercenaries to rape, torture and kill suspected poachers. Whoops!
Bitcoin fans are gullible. Talk to them about the future of money, throw in a few buzz words and they believe any garbage.
Corona-chan looks forward to seeing you out and about!
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
Who technically backs the e-money on your phone is much less interesting than what you can do with it.
If you’re going to do crimes, don’t do them on a permanent immutable public ledger of all transactions.