Tag: brave

The Brave web browser is hijacking links, and inserting affiliate codes
How does this keep happening? It is a mystery.

News: Telegram appeals injunction, Adaptive Capital fails, the story of the Petro
Call all you want, but there’s no one home. And you’re not gonna reach my telephone.
News: Bitfinex/Tether v. New York, Cryptopia hack coins moving, HitBTC may be insolvent, Craig Wright copyright registration, SEC v. ICOs, money laundering is still illegal with Bitcoins
How much do you need to annoy a government agency that it starts a whole new press page just to refute your claims?
News: Bitfinex and Tether latest, Craig Wright: man of action, India to ban cryptos
Wright: “I was shot twice, and evidence of it is likely to still exist on the Internet for all my efforts to have destroyed it.” Which is why he posted it to Medium, where nobody will ever see it.
Brave web browser no longer claims to fundraise on behalf of others — so that’s nice
Despite Brendan Eich tweeting for about five days to defend Brave’s previous behaviour, his web browser is no longer displaying apparent donation pages for creators who never signed up.
News: Brave browser’s opt-out “fundraising” for third parties, fallout from the Bitcoin and Ether price crash, Tether margin trading, UK tax guidance
NUMBER GO UP, December 2017 — “a much bigger run coming in 2018”
NUMBER GO DOWN, December 2018 — actually it’s about the technology, OK,