Tag: block.one

News: Bitcoin’s enterprise use case, the Voice experience, Reggie Fowler, Quorum to Consensys, DeFi cease-and-desist
POLICE TO BLACKMAILER: Let’s meet in person, so we can hand you the untraceable cryptocurrency in full view of a surveillance camera.

Voice: $300m to build Twitter for EOS, with a Real Names policy and KYC to get an account
With the real names policy, Voice might repeat the stratospheric success of Google Plus!

News: DRM on JPEG images on the blockchain, BlockFi user data breached, TornadoCash mixer goes full DAO, the plant cuttings asset bubble
If you could put two flies crawling up a wall on the blockchain, I’m pretty sure crypto day traders would bet on fly futures.
News: EOS settles with SEC, PayPal dumps Libra, digitised gold, Coinbase triples fees, Bitcoin Foundation is dead
PayPal “remains supportive of Libra’s mission” — so that’s nice.
Everipedia: The Wikipedia for being wrong … but on the blockchain
Everipedia is not going to revolutionise the world of knowledge production.