News: El Salvador, Binance vs Malaysia, Goldman Sachs non-blockchain ETF, Virgil Griffith
Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to unscheduled scheduled maintenance. Funds are absolutely safe.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to unscheduled scheduled maintenance. Funds are absolutely safe.
Q. What do you call unsmokeable mushrooms?
A. Non-Tokeable Fungi.
And Decrypt is running an excerpt from Libra Shrugged.
Zack Voell from CoinDesk fights the good fight to destroy the crypto markets, and do Buttcoin — and North Korea — proud.
“The last I looked our coin had joined the Triple Egg club, trading at something like $0.0009.”
Any company that tries to pay your wages in company scrip — rather than actual money — should be treated as fraudulent trash.
Paperbacks in Australia for Christmas, cheap ebooks in India and Patreon’s reversed its awful fee revamp.
The Bitcoin sphere is currently going nuts over the idea that Amazon will start accepting Bitcoin next month! Sure thing! IT’S HAPPENING!