Me on a Russia-1 TV segment about bitcoins and crypto investing
I get fifteen seconds on prime time Russian news TV!
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I get fifteen seconds on prime time Russian news TV!
I did an interview for Heise Technology Review, Oktober 2017. It’s been a few months since it was published, so here are my original unedited answers in English.
Plus book news. There should be a cheap deal on Kindle India this month, but I can’t find it …
When you can’t pound on the facts, pound on the table. A PR initiative that will convince nobody who they need to convince.
Plus: the worst bootleg version I’ve ever seen of any book, and it was of mine.
The best bit is where CryoGen recommend the article where I detail why what they’re selling doesn’t work. I suppose I did call them sincere.
A case study in applied business “blockchain.” The cost savings came entirely from the fact of pulling it all in-house.
Another free money fork. And remember to secure your Ethereum wallet!
And a nice review of the book.
Since I did it by cargo-culted copy’n’paste’n’bodge, I’ll probably get pwn3d in an hour. But in the meantime, I have a nice Patreon badge.