YouGov Direct’s “GDPR-compliant” blockchain — GDPR-laundering as a service
Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain!
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain!
A surprisingly common technical problem — elegantly solved!
The West Virginia blockchain voting pilot just records the votes in a private blockchain, used as a database. Apparently, this is a big win for voting on the blockchain.
Plus adventures in blockchain punditry.
You see a confusing page full of equations. Someone’s trying to sell you a token based on it. What do you do?
I got an Ethereum scammer, pretending to be me, at last!
Handelsblatt in Germany describes KodakCoin as “highly dubious”, “a half-baked marketing gag” and “a stumbling company with a fading name looking for a capital strike.”
Plus my speaking dates in June and July.
A rundown of what market manipulations warrant a criminal investigation — and why Bitfinex/Tether are a likely focus.
My written evidence to the UK Treasury’s Digital Currencies Inquiry is finally up, as is everyone else’s.