Telegram’s $1.7 billion problem coming in October — KYC/AML on Gram tokens
I wonder how Telegram’s regulatory efforts are going — given how much their GRAM plan looks like Facebook’s Libra.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I wonder how Telegram’s regulatory efforts are going — given how much their GRAM plan looks like Facebook’s Libra.
I wrote on my Patreon last night “Now I’m going to get on with book writing and hoping that no more amazing documents drop this week …”
“Hey everyone. Is it normal and safe to buy bitcoin by mailing envelopes full of cash to someone? Let me know.”
iFinex needs to deny that 2+2=4. Their strategy is to deny the existence of 2 and 2, and cast doubt on the concept of addition.
Waiting all day for these documents to drop, furiously hitting F5 — and iFinex got them in right on the dot of 5:30pm New York time.
If you buy into the idea that a “token burn” might make number go up — you’re the sucker in the relationship.
Physicists might tell you that two atoms of a given isotope are literally indistinguishable — but apparently we need “living and synthesized elements, as recommended by Taoist masters.”
Perhaps iFinex can argue that two plus two only appears to make four, when actually it makes three, or five, or six hundred and sixty-six.
“Well, let me get this straight. A company you didn’t buy until 2014 is listed as a beneficiary of a trust document you claimed was formed in 2012?”
I’d question even calling this a “bubble” — because there’s no evidence of an influx of retail get-rich-quick dreamers. The only visible cause is manipulation.