YouGov Direct’s “GDPR-compliant” blockchain — GDPR-laundering as a service
Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain!
A surprisingly common technical problem — elegantly solved!
The West Virginia blockchain voting pilot just records the votes in a private blockchain, used as a database. Apparently, this is a big win for voting on the blockchain.
Plus adventures in blockchain punditry.
You see a confusing page full of equations. Someone’s trying to sell you a token based on it. What do you do?
I got an Ethereum scammer, pretending to be me, at last!
Handelsblatt in Germany describes KodakCoin as “highly dubious”, “a half-baked marketing gag” and “a stumbling company with a fading name looking for a capital strike.”
Plus my speaking dates in June and July.
A rundown of what market manipulations warrant a criminal investigation — and why Bitfinex/Tether are a likely focus.
My written evidence to the UK Treasury’s Digital Currencies Inquiry is finally up, as is everyone else’s.