Crypto collapse: Regulatory altruism at FTX — Sam Bankman-Fried arrested
The nuanced ingredient is crime.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
The nuanced ingredient is crime.
Is it time for a new tattoo?
Some assets belong to individual creditors, not to the bankruptcy estate. But the details have to be worked out.
The word “liquidation” came up a few times in the first hearing. This ice cube is melting fast.
“the contagion effect of everyone noticing all the exchanges are insolvent”
“I’m as confused by this as everyone else!”
Anyone who’s worked in software development will understand the tale Overton tells.
“I think we’re shortly to find that embedded leverage in the sector was far, far higher than anyone, even its most ardent critics, expected.”
Musk seems to think that if a four-engine jet can stay in the air on one engine, the other three can be sold for scrap. This turns out to be incorrect.
Celsius used the finest accounting software known to crypto: a Google spreadsheet.