News: Numbers go down, MakerDAO, but mostly coronavirus
You can’t buy pies with bitcoins. Or respirators.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
You can’t buy pies with bitcoins. Or respirators.
“It has been [0] days since the last inexplicably rare loss of customer funds from a Bitcoin exchange”
And I’m doing another Intelligence Squared on Thursday 5 December — and this one’s free!
Perhaps iFinex can argue that two plus two only appears to make four, when actually it makes three, or five, or six hundred and sixty-six.
Alli and I really need to get on with the T-shirt and merchandise selection.
The slapstick comedy horror saga of a plucky little blockchain startup who aren’t quite ready for every state-level hacker in the world, or more than eleven voters.
The West Virginia blockchain voting pilot just records the votes in a private blockchain, used as a database. Apparently, this is a big win for voting on the blockchain.