Tag: trezor

News: IOTA, Massive Adoption, Mastercard v. Libra, DRM in JPEG plans, Reggie Fowler plea deal fails, more Silk Road busts, ICO grace period, the Bitcoin market
Mastercard throws Libra under the bus so hard, it bounces twice.
News: Civil ripped off its journalists, Bitfinex untethers Tether, working at Trezor, Amazon Managed Blockchain
Any company that tries to pay your wages in company scrip — rather than actual money — should be treated as fraudulent trash.
Be your own bank! Every Bitcoin Electrum wallet since 2015 is insecure, update now
Electrum turns out to have been completely insecure — any web page you go to could have stolen your coins — since 2015.
News: Securing plutonium, unsecuring Trezor, Twitter, NHS WannaCry, LSE review of the book
I’ve also sold a surprising and pleasing number of books.