News: Craig Wright copyright claims, Grayscale, Mt. Gox, Reddit on Ethereum, the French Bitcoin neo-Nazi
News from before the Fall.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
News from before the Fall.
I get my crypto market insights by watching the remote-viewing guy draw pictures of his psychic impressions on YouTube.
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
Mastercard throws Libra under the bus so hard, it bounces twice.
If you made up the Quadriga saga as a story about lost pirate treasure, the target audience would have to be about four, because eight year olds wouldn’t buy it.
bullish on USD. it is clear that USD is increasingly popular with past hodlers of the deprecated bit-Coin. USD has gone up hugely in just the past day against the b.t.C!! in conclusion you should be getting into currency
Bitfinex’s banking arrangements are fine — so long as you don’t try to get your money out.
No, there wasn’t a double-spend on Tether — just an exchange error. And the Lightning Network still doesn’t work. And don’t forget Intelligence Squared on Monday!
A book given to historical rambling, but the Ross Ulbricht/Silk Road chapter is particularly good and insightful on what happens when you overextend an ideology to the point of monstrosity.