Tether and sanctions: what’s coming for Paolo’s beautiful launderette
Tether is Liberty Reserve but on the blockchain.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Tether is Liberty Reserve but on the blockchain.
When you buy a nice house, make sure the previous owner wasn’t a crypto Ponzi scammer.
It can’t be that stupid, I must be understanding it wrong.
The fundamental fallacy of cryptocurrency: that you can code your way around the rules of society.
You wouldn’t funge a car.
There’s slip-ups in compliance monitoring, and then there’s tweeting your visa for North Korea.
’Twas on the good ship ’Toshi, by Craig you should have seen us, it was a little squashy and the end result was “penis.”
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
Zack Voell from CoinDesk fights the good fight to destroy the crypto markets, and do Buttcoin — and North Korea — proud.
There’s engineer arrogance, and then there’s whatever heady brew Griffith was huffing.