Stablecoins: Tether, Libra, the President’s Working Group, the IMF
Phrases like “macro critical levels” are what central bankers say when they’re sounding the air-raid sirens.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Phrases like “macro critical levels” are what central bankers say when they’re sounding the air-raid sirens.
The Diem Association is “effectively a zombie organization.” Ya think?
There’s no evidence that Facebook’s cleared Diem with regulators in the US, the EU and Switzerland — as they pinky-swore they would absolutely do before launch. But I’m sure they wouldn’t go back on their word.
A book excerpt! Cryptocurrency promoters never detail how they’re actually going to “bank the unbanked.” What would they need to do?
I’m doing the Blockchain Debate Podcast again on Thursday 17 December! My opponent on this question is Bryce Weiner.
“If the business channel you watch leads its forex ticker with buttcoin price, you should switch the channel.”
The US has a fair chance of obliterating the US crypto trading stablecoin market in the quest to rein in Facebook’s bad idea.
Paypal-but-it’s-Facebook, with US dollars. The European Central Bank is likely to still hate the idea.
Digital gold, Bitcoin mining, CBDCs, DC/EP, Libra and Facebook, corporate crypto purchases, Avalanche and mathcoins, Tether and what happens when the music stops. And Craig Wright.
A podcast on “Libra Shrugged” with Matthew Aaron, who is now doing Decrypt’s official Decrypt Daily podcast.