News: Compound threatens to dox its own users, El Salvador Chivo numbers, China hates crypto, Twitter tips, Tether class action proceeds
“Libertarian” is when I take your money, it’s different if you take mine.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“Libertarian” is when I take your money, it’s different if you take mine.
Q. What do you call unsmokeable mushrooms?
A. Non-Tokeable Fungi.
News from before the Fall.
Markets are completely screwed, nobody knows what anything is worth, and the hard problem is keeping everyone in basic food and shelter. Nobody cares about your novelty crypto collectibles.
The Bitcoin white paper’s elegant simplicity only exists in a perfectly spherical monetary system in a vacuum at absolute zero.
And so this is Christmas — and it turns out that banking commissioners take allegations of sanctions violations seriously.
Fake addresses, disappearing customer funds, stock option shenanigans, and sanctions violations — allegedly.
Come hear me speak at “Blockchain: Utopia or U-turn?” at the Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece on Sunday 17 February!
Girlfriend on the blockchain, I know it’s serious.