Tag: initiative q

News: Libra stumbles on, Bitmex leaks customer list, Crypto Capital Corp arrest and indictment, Tether appeal, Blockchain for China, Kleiman v. Wright settlement fails, Telegram tokens delayed, UK tax for cryptos
News: Augur election bet, Po.et cuts staff, BCTerminal sues The Block, Razer Silver cryptominer scam
Finally — Blockchain comes to the Apple II!
News: SEC busts EtherDelta, SWIFT not using RippleNet, another Galt’s Gulch scam, Craig Wright claims to be Satoshi again
“I AM Satoshi” — Craig S. Wright, 3 November 2018.
Initiative Q: a response from Saar Wilf
Saar Wilf, founder of Initiative Q, just emailed a response to my June post and October followup. With his permission, I’m reprinting it here.
News: Poloniex NDA to get your own money back, Bisq sets up a DAO, Bitcoin over Ethereum
The technical term for “immutable smart contract, immune to human interference” is “sitting duck for hackers.”
From the musical “Initiative Q”: “The Internet is for Scams”
I’m so sorry.
(not sorry really)
News: Crypto media pay-to-play, Bitmain IPO troubles, Sia centralises proof-of-work, Initiative Q stretches the truth
Nearly half the crypto media outlets refused payola! That’s good, right?
Initiative Q is doing the rounds again — and here’s Q’s economist on Bitcoin
My June post on Initiative Q takes off, I talk on BBC Radio about it, and Q’s economist talks about Bitcoin.
News: Australia “nah mate” to blockchains, Bitfinex/Tether push Rothschild conspiracy theories, JPEG blockchain DRM, miners as locusts, Initiative Q
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”